McCarthy Family Trees

The following are PDF files that can be downloaded for the following family trees:

  • Descendents of Finghin McCarthy (c. 1579): This contains the complete family tree of this site and is therefore rather large. It includes the McCarthy branch still living in County Kerry today, and the McCarthy branch that settled in England.
  • Descendents of James McCarthy (born 1789) of Tralee - from here the English branch originates
  • Decendents of John Justin McCarthy (born 1829) - a sub-branch of James McCarthy of Tralee (where most of the data on the current McCarthys resides)

How to use these family trees:
These trees are stored as Adobe Acrobat files (.PDFs) - you will need the Acrobat Reader to view them. If unable to read them, download the readeer from

If you would like me to add any sub-branch of the McCarthys featured at this site, please email me via the webmaster